Our Story

 In the darkest of days there is always light.

Hello, I’m Christine. I am 41 years old, from the UK, a mother to 4 beautiful children and partner to Ben. During the past 5 years our family has been to hell and back fighting a rare type of cancer with our youngest daughter Ebonie~Rose. Sadly after such a long battle and many relapses, our amazing little girl passed away in July’19. This epic event has changed our family and brought us onto a mammoth healing journey. It fully made me wake up and start looking at my life and my then current belief system, pushing me into the realms of energy and ascension, as well as back into the spiritual aspects.

For the past 25+ years I have believed in and been interested in the mystical and various other spiritual viewpoints. I would spend hours as a child making flower perfume, and as a young adult fascinated in astrology and moon phases. I read lots of books on astrology, various religious texts, mindset, the power of the mind, positivity, Buddhism, you name it. When I was 24 I studied Swedish and Aromatherapy Massage therapy. But once my children were being born at the age of 28 things slowed down and I focused on the family. To calm my souls longing I would buy crystal upon crystal, large or small and this would suffice for the spiritual need in me for a time. But once I was pregnant with my youngest I began to look into Reiki healing, positive mindset, meditation and astrology again. I began to get back into exploring the healing side of alternative therapies and crystals as well as the Law of Attraction. Unfortunately within 2 years our world was turned upside down. The knowledge I had I tried to use with my daughter at the beginning and through certain stages, by using healing hands, meditations and massage but eventually my mind was bogged with sadness and low vibrations due to the treatment and the sheer relentlessness of the disease, as well as juggling between a family at home and a poorly daughter in hospital. Life was crazy and hectic and we didn’t know which way was up.

When Ebonie passed away, a number of events leading up to and during the time brought great comfort to me and opened up a renewed need for the spiritual aspect in me. There were so many signs to say that she was not alone and that after she went she was still there with us. Needing to bury my head, the first thing I did was revisit a book I had never finished as a late teen but had called me for many years. The Celestine Prophecy. As crazy as that may sound, it really helped me going through the early stages of my grief and by the 4th book I was hooked. I knew that this was the where my focus was needed and I was back in the flow, ready to start my healing process, and the ability (to at some point) be able to connect with Ebonie.

Over the past 4.5 years I have taken up Yoga and qualified as a Yoga teacher, taken up Quantum flow exercises, various meditation practices and lots of learning. I have been attuned to Master level of Reiki and also trained in Quantum healing. I also practiced and have established beautiful sound healing with crystal singing bowls, gongs, chimes and tuning forks. These modalities together are so amazing and powerful that with the willingness to be open to the divine and unknown, as well as our own inner workings, we are able to access so much more for ourselves. Infinite possibilities are truly available! We are able to heal not only our own traumas and past lives but those of our family ancestry too, and any karma we have to deal with. I am constantly learning as there is a lifetime of knowledge out there, but I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for my innate spiritual nature and the path I have taken I don’t know how I would have survived losing Ebonie.

My desire is to keep on gaining knowledge and evolving spiritually with my healing practice so that I can help the collective heal themselves.

My focus is offering a safe space for all faiths and religions; having many friends from different paths including Christianity, Catholicism, Hindu, Pagan, etc. I believe that being open to ALL beings is imperative, and there is no judgement on your beliefs or the path you choose. I offer a peaceful and loving environment where we can sit for conscious conversations and healing practices on many levels.

I will continue to update this website.

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By tuning in to our silence and with C.C.E (constant conscious effort) to stay in the flow we can achieve anything…


A little bit more about me!

Having been interested in energy and all things magic for over 25 years now, and having studied many spiritual practices, becoming a massage therapist, Crystal Healing and Reiki practitioner, I have utilised and learned so much in the last 2 years since losing my beautiful little girl, Ebonie, to cancer in 2019.

I have delved deep into my pain. I have looked at myself. I have learned to love me.

If I can do this so can you! I know it’s hard. I know it hurts, physically too, but I also know that we can live and we can be happy even after everything we have been through in our lives.

My healing journey doesn’t mean I have forgotten my Ebonie, it means I can carry her with me everyday without the pain.

My ideal is to be able to help other people with their pain and trauma to enable them to heal and to live their best lives everyday.